Editing and Proofreading
22 years in business | 630.360.3043
doctoral dissertation editing

Saint Leo University Dissertation Editing and Proofreading Services

Your dissertation will be approved—guaranteed.*

Turnaround is currently 3-5 business days.

All Saint Leo students now get a 10% discount off the stated price.

Over 50% of doctoral students fail to complete a dissertation
(Sowell, 2008).

The vast majority of Saint Leo dissertations fail to conform fully to the required citation style. This is one of the main reasons for rewrite after rewrite, leading to lost time, considerable cost, delays in the job search or even failing to graduate. We are here to manage that process and to help secure committee approval for you.

*Your dissertation editing, proofreading, and formatting will be approved by both your committee and school.

We're proud to say, in over twenty years, we have never had to give a refund.

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Dissertation Editing Experts

The content analysts from our dissertation services are all teaching and research professionals who have decades of experience with graduate students. Each has earned his or her own doctorate and inherently understands the graduate process. Be assured, we are familiar with a variety of subject areas in your discipline. Our specialists are top academics with the evaluative aptitude, critical knowledge, analytical proficiency, and citation style expertise to get you through the process.

School-specific criteria
We understand that schools differ in their dissertation criteria. That's why we make sure to accommodate individual needs. We work with all of the major citation style formats and can handle any deviations required by St. Leo University. We can also assist you in formatting the front matter (e.g., title page, signature page, and table of contents) and back matter (i.e., references and appendices) to meet the requirements of your university, school, or department.

Although dissertation criteria change from institution to institution, our dissertation editors and correctors are specialists in concepts that never change—critical thinking and superior research design and development. We're here to help you assess each section of your manuscript resulting in a well-crafted dissertation, ready for proposal and final PhD defense.

Saint Leo Dissertation Editing and Proofreading Service

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What's involved in proofreading and editing  
We examine your dissertation to remove errors in spelling, agreement, and punctuation. Mistakes in grammar can come across as errors in logic since they certainly confuse the reader, making it appear that the premises of your dissertation are disconnected or flawed. Dissertation proofreading focuses on catching the errors such as sentence fragments, subject-verb agreement, pronoun referents, run-ons, ineffective or inappropriate verb forms, and other grammatical errors, especially the ones Microsoft Word's spelling and grammar check routinely ignores. See a full editing, proofreading, and formatting list.

Our dissertation editing service focuses on these components in the editing process:

Personal service from your dissertation editor
When using our professional dissertation services, your work is always corrected by academic editors with over a decade of experience working with students and with knowledge of writing and publishing academic journal articles and other work. Your insight and opinions are integral to the success of your work. Please include all of your instructions and concerns when submitting your work.

Meeting the needs of students
Our dissertation editing service is for students who need added organization, clarity, and style to their writing or who need their language raised to academic standards. Additionally, it is a perfect service for those students who may be non-native speakers who need help that goes beyond just proofreading. Dissertation editing at this point in the process greatly assists your advisor and committee by presenting your research in a more organized, highly readable style. Something many students do not think about, dissertation editing also greatly facilitates the shift from your dissertation defense to the launch of your career.

Whether you are completely self-assured about your writing or hesitant of your ability to share your thoughts, you can benefit from editing. Our dissertation editing service will correct your document's, flow, continuity, and word choice as well as making sure you are properly supporting your thoughts and positions. In addition, we make sure that the meaning in your writing is clear and easy for readers to understand. We want you to be successful and we do our best to make sure your writing represents your ideas in your dissertation in the best way possible.

Professional dissertation editors save time
By making sure that all of our dissertation editors have more than a decade of experience writing and editing, we get your work done quickly and efficiently. Our dissertation editors are all published authors who are committed to helping you. We have advanced degrees and experience in a variety of scientific areas. Remember, beyond just proofreading and editing, our dissertation editors are here to answer your questions and give you suggestions.

Why we proof and edit
Some students find it difficult to control being too verbose. Some are not quite sure what to include and what to leave out. Often, writers are so engaged in their own work that they fill pages with a great deal of information but fail to organize their work properly or express themselves with the best word choice. We specialize in beautifying language, and transforming drafts into the dissertation you want.

Saint Leo Dissertation APA Style Formatting Service

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We offer our dissertation APA style formatting as an add-on service when you order dissertation editing and proofreading. We prepare your doctoral dissertation according to the latest version of your style guide. We can also accommodate your university-specific guidelines. Combined with proofreading and editing, with our APA style formatting service, you have a fully paginated version of your dissertation with preliminary pages, headings, citations, and references in proper form and arrangement. Additionally, we create a citation to reference verification file for you to note when citations are not in the reference section and references are not in the body of the dissertation as in-text citations.

For a no-obligation cost estimate and more information about ordering dissertation editing, proofreading, and formatting, please feel free to interact with us through our contact page. We look forward to hearing from you!

Trust us with all of your dissertation editing, proofreading, and formatting needs. We can solve your dissertation problems timely and effectively while giving guidance about whether your arguments are flowing correctly or where extra references or explanations are required. We can edit your dissertation and work to ensure that your requirements are met including the most troublesome aspects of formatting (e.g., tables, pagination, and working to make your references consistent and correct).

Try before you buy!

Send us a chapter or more of your work and ask for a FREE dissertation editing sample. We'll choose a section to proofread, edit, and format, then return it to you within 48 hours. Let our professionals ensure that the meaning of your words comes through, not your mistakes.
dissertation edit

Saint Leo University Dissertation Editing and Proofreading Service FAQ

We proofread, edit and format St. Leo doctoral dissertations of all types and match them to a writing editor with a Ph.D. and years of experience. See a full editing, proofreading, and formatting list.

Yes! We correct grammar as part of our doctoral dissertation proofreading service.

Doctoral dissertation proofreading and editing
Grammar, typographical errors, misspellings, punctuation, clarity, comma splices, sentence fragments, run-on sentences, subject-verb disagreement, verb tense, idioms, colloquialisms, academic language, flow, phrasing ambiguities, audience appropriateness, organization, structure, theme, rhetorical consistency, levels of diction, and lexical register. See here for a complete list of what's involved in our proofreading and editing service.

Doctoral dissertation formatting
Specific to your school and citation style.

If you send your doctoral dissertation in Microsoft Word format, we can return two copies to you when finished. One is the original with changes highlighted. The other is the final version.

All of our doctoral dissertation editors have doctoral degrees and years of training as teachers, published authors, and professionals in various disciplines. We provide the right editor for your needs. We default to American English, APA publication style, and the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. We’re happy to use other styles and conventions. However, any deviations from these rules must be noted by the author beforehand to avoid re-editing.

No. The editing function has been a long-time feature and the files we send you are for a PC or Mac.

We much prefer Microsoft Word because of its Track Changes feature. However, if you check with us first, we support digital texts in a range of formats (e.g., Microsoft Word, Works, AppleWorks, Pages, Rich Text, and Open Office).

Our editors ensure that your doctoral dissertation editing complies with your style requirements. Specify whether you are using APA, MLA, Chicago, CSE, either of the Canadian styles, Harvard, Turabian, International English, ASA, Australian, Vancouver, Oxford Style, or another citation style of your choosing.

A member of our doctoral dissertation editing staff can usually respond within two to three hours. We complete most St. Leo dissertations within a few business days. An editor and proofreader will accept it only if we can have the finished doctoral dissertation editing back to you before your deadline.

Proofreading and editing are approximately 1 cent per word; the exact price can be determined using our cost calculator. Formatting is approximately ½ a cent per word.

We currently accept PayPal, Zelle, SquareUp, Venmo, bank cards, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Visa, Visa Electron, Visa Debit, and Maestro. The method of payment is a secure system with industry standard 128-bit encryption. This is the premier form of encryption available for Internet transactions and is the same level of security used in cash machines (ATMs) and most retail stores. Please note: An account is not required to process your credit card and our staff never see your personal data.

The proofreading and editing rate is based on word count and your choice between proofreading and editing or formatting too. Unlike other doctoral dissertation editing companies, we do not have confusing editing rates per page or vague quotes. We provide exact figures for editing services. Send us your file and specify editing and proofreading and whether you want formatting too.

MS Word has a feature that you can use to obtain a word count. Alternatively, send it to us. We will calculate the amount and send you an email with a link to your invoice and payment options. If you want to calculate it yourself, multiply the number of words in your doctoral dissertation times 0.013 for proofreading and editing or times 0.019 for proofreading, editing, and formatting. For instance: 30,000 x 0.013 = $390 [USD].

Our smallest charge is $25 [USD]. If you have a project with a shorter word count than the minimum, we may be able to work on it for you, but the charge would be $25 USD.

We reword individual sentences. We may rearrange sentences. We may offer suggestions to improve the organization of paragraphs and sections within your doctoral dissertation. Complete rewriting would constitute plagiarism and is not an option.

We consider the issues surrounding intellectual copyright and confidentiality to be crucial. Only your doctoral dissertation editor and a managing editor have access to your doctoral dissertation. Each of our staff members is required to sign a copy of the confidentiality agreement, which ensures that under no circumstances can an employee share your St. Leo University doctoral dissertation editing with anyone. If you require a separate non-disclosure agreement, contact us. Unless you request otherwise, all doctoral dissertation editing and related files are deleted after sixty days. We do not sell, trade, transfer, rent or share ANY information with ANY other party. All doctoral dissertation editing reviewed by our editors remain the intellectual property of you, the original author. In keeping with our strict confidentiality, we never release names or titles without prior consent. For further information, view our privacy policy.

We make use of the most powerful and updated security measures including the industry standard in encryption (128-bit secure socket layer). This is the highest level of security commercially available and is the same standard of security used in cash machines (ATMs) and by many retail stores. To protect your credit card information, we have partnered with Venmo, PayPal, and SquareUp to offer you the most trusted financial transaction systems on the Internet. The entire payment process is conducted through one of their secure websites. No banking information or credit card data is ever collected or stored by us.

You always maintain ownership and copyright. We make no claim on your copyright, and we do not require credit or acknowledgment beyond the fees for the services rendered. It is a commonly accepted practice for some writers to credit us as their editor and this is always appreciated.

All of our editors and proofreaders must, at a minimum: (a) be native speakers of English; (b) have at least five years of professional experience as a writing editor; (c) have a doctoral degree; and (d) provide samples of their writing, proofreading and editing. A typical editor has more than fifteen years of professional experience and is published in his or her chosen field.

We are confident that our St. Leo University doctoral dissertation proofreading services are among the best in the industry. We are a professional company focused on you providing the best service possible. Each doctoral dissertation is proofread twice before returning it to you. If you are not completely satisfied, you can resubmit your doctoral dissertation for further editing/proofreading. We are committed to your satisfaction.

Yes, although we can nearly always tell when we read something, please specify which form of English you need when you place your order.

Doctoral dissertation editors are available nearly twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Our administrative staff is available between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. CST (GMT −6); we typically answer messages within a few hours.

Our global headquarters is based in the United States in Chicago, Illinois. Your communications are channeled through this office.

After looking at our FAQ, if you still have a question, its best to contact Client Services by email.

Even the best writers benefit from an impartial, professional and thorough look at their doctoral dissertation. Our editors recognize things in your doctoral dissertation that become unnoticeable to you. After you have done several drafts, reviewing and revising, that familiarity with the doctoral dissertation results in your filling in missing text and skipping over errors when you read.

Your doctoral dissertation will be print-ready subject to the state of the project when submitted to us and subject to individual specifications from St. Leo University.

We edit all sorts of styles, dialects, special kinds of formatting and other types of creativity. If there is something you do not want us to alter, mention this when you email the doctoral dissertation.

Certainly you may explain things to your doctoral dissertation editor. Once it arrives, your doctoral dissertation is quickly routed directly to a chief editor who is familiar with, and appreciates, your type of doctoral dissertation. A client services representative will be happy to relay your comments and queries to your doctoral dissertation editor and then send the answers back.

Any feedback you receive from your doctoral dissertation editor is for the purpose of improving your work.

Our editing and proofreading service most closely resembles what is often called copyediting with some additional checks and benefits. What we do would not be considered developmental editing or content editing.

Contact us directly with your St. Leo Univerisity doctoral dissertation editing questions. One of our chief editors will be more than happy to discuss your doctoral dissertation with you and provide any additional information you may require.

These are comments from students like you
Dr. Dan, You are an amazing human being. I am truly grateful for all of your kind words, support, assistance, and all of the other things. You have made this process a lot easier than I made up in my head. I appreciate you more than you know! I will go through everything and get the dissertation submitted. I honestly did not want you to lose sleep over this, I am humbly appreciative. I will certainly yell, if I need anything. THANK YOU!!
-LaShawn :-)

Thank you! You saved my sanity. I will review your correction and the citations and hopefully this will be my last draft before the proposal defense. Will talk in 2024 for the final dissertation. For now happy holidays and thanks again!

It doesn’t matter that this is a paid service and your job. Good people are hard to come by. In my book, you are one of them. There are never enough words I can say to express my gratitude and thanks. My special thanks to you for the fantastic editing job you did on my dissertation. Thank you for your patience, time, and reliable advice. Through those frustrating days, I was still pleased by the end of the day and especially valued your suggested modifications. The extra times and energy you put in for me were plentiful and worthwhile. It was a pleasure for me to work with such a dedicated person. Thank you for your candor. Take care,

I finished my defense with FLYING COLORS!!!! I'm elated!! Thank you for everything that you've done to help me! I'll reach out after the holiday to talk through the final needs concerning editing. I have a few weeks to get it done and I want BOTH of us to enjoy the holiday season. Thank you!!! Thank you!!!!!!

At first, I was wary about having anyone touch my dissertation. I greatly appreciate your suggestions and comments. It's pretty cool that you only hire Ph.Ds. The proofreading was very detailed. You gave me support that went far beyond my expectations. I will not only use your services again, I'll also recommend you.

Could you please pass my thanks on to the dissertation editor and corrector. She did a fantastic job. She really considered content and grammar. Best wishes,

Tks for all your help with my dissertation. I just wish I had found you sooner.

When I was searching for someone to format and proofread my dissertation, I checked five or six sites on the Internet. I could not thank you enough for a job well done!

Hi--I have used your service previously to edit my dissertation proposal and your claims are 100% accurate. My proposal was approved shortly after. My husband has used your service and I have recommended it to the other doctoral candidates who are writing their dissertation! Okay that aside I have completed my sections 4 and 5 and need them edited (full editing as before).

3000 edits so far. Oh, my goodness...how could anyone do this for a living? God Bless. Thanks for the update. Any idea of the anticipated time of completion? My chair thinks I fell off the face of the earth. You have been a big help. I hope my emails don't bother you. I just wanted to check-in. It's all I can think about...finally being done.

My dissertation has been delivered to my committee~~ yippee!! Never could have been done without your great assistance!!! I look forward to using your service throughout this entire dissertation process. :) Have a nice evening, I’m going to celebrate.

I have the final draft from you. I appreciate your comments. Your dissertation formatting is a lifesaver.